Cybercrime in Indonesia

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Honestly i don't really know much about this very topic. 

But i do remember one news long time ago i read in online news site about a guy that is wanted by the police because he pays all the stuff that he bought by using a stolen credit card. The story talks around the police effort and failing to catch this guy. Because the guys just keep moving 'kost to kost'. But now i don't really know about the status of the pursuit.

 Another crime i do remember recently about ATM (Automated teller machine) Hacks using a technique called atm skimmer scam. The device is putted in the card slot and designed to be hard to distinguish. The device work is to record anyting from the magnetic plate from the card and later can be duplicate/restore to other card. Clean and simple thus makes people thinks that must be some mastermind behind it. Maybe it just some international syndication or something. i don't know. From two above cases, i may now conclude the more formal aspect, the law. In case 1 of stolen credit card, it was also a identity theft.The second is also identity theft and interception of information.

In Indonesian UUITE :

Pasal 31 (1) Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan
hukum melakukan intersepsi atau penyadapan atas
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dalam
suatu Komputer dan/atau Sistem Elektronik tertentu milik
Orang lain.

Pasal 32 (3) Terhadap perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) yang mengakibatkan terbukanya suatu Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang bersifat rahasia menjadi dapat diakses oleh publik dengan keutuhan data yang tidak sebagaimana mestinya
Pasal 36 Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 27 sampai dengan Pasal 34 yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi Orang lain.

With acumulation of maximum Rp15.300.000.000,00 worth of fined and maximum 30 years of jailtime.
Thanks for reading.

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